Which Is Better For Your Business: A Freelance Marketing Service Or A Marketing Agency?

So you need help with your digital marketing but can’t decide whether to hire a freelancer or an agency; what do you do? We’ve studied the pros and cons of both and included a summary to help you make a decision. 

A freelancer is an independent marketing consultant whose skills and experience may come from having worked for a large company or an agency previously and has subsequently decided to offer their intellectual capital or IP independently to a range of clients. 

A digital agency, on the other hand, is a larger group of marketing experts. Since an organisation has a corporate structure, employees do not have the freedom to select their clients like a freelancer would. Both the freelance marketing service and the digital agency have the same goal: to turn your target audience into customers, maintain your current customer base, increase sales and revenue, and grow your business.

Freelance pros and cons:  


  • They are professionals who have probably worked in a few businesses before becoming freelancers and have a broad knowledge of marketing and particular industries. 
  • It’s in the best interests of the freelance marketing service to deliver, they’re unlikely to disappoint because they rely on word of mouth to attain new customers.  
  • They typically have fewer tasks on the go, so they will be able to prioritise your needs or drop anything to assist you in an emergency. 
  • They don’t suffer from office politics and disruptions from other staff!  
  • You pay by the project or by the hour, and since every hour is important to them, they are much more efficient than office employees. 
  • You do not have to worry about salary or benefits, and you can get work done on an as-needed basis.  


  • Sometimes a freelancer’s expertise is to niche and you might need to find a few of them to ensure all your requirements are met.  
  • Freelancers do not always have the support of a team and will need to seek detailed advice and guidance from other professionals. 
  • Freelance marketing services sometimes juggle many projects and have limited availability.  

Digital agency pros and cons:  


  • Agencies are and have always been marketing experts. 
  • Agencies comprise a group of experienced marketers with a vast range of skills.  
  • You already know where you are in terms of time and how your package/contract functions. 
  • When the client list expands, so does the team, maintaining the ability to take on more and more projects. 
  • Work is evenly distributed so no-one should drop the ball.  


  • As a client and as a freelancer you don’t get to pick who you work with.  
  • Of course, an organisation cares for its image, but not all employees would be kept to the same standard. 
  • An agency might give bigger clients more attention.  
  • Staff may only be accessible during normal business hours. 
  • An agency has much larger overheads so are inclined to charge hefty rates.  

Are you ready to make a decision now that you have a clear understanding of what each service provider can offer? There are no hard and fast rules; you can use a combination of the two or employ an in-house marketer. Whatever you decide, make sure you’ve done your homework and appreciate what you’re getting yourself into. 

Get in contact with FBS Digital today to find out more about our services: 0204 526 5195 or e-mail us on hello@finchleybusiness.co.uk 

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