Voice Search Optimisation

Why should you be concerned with voice search optimization? To many, it may appear to be a temporary trend. However, it is critical to recognise that the way we engage with technology is continuously changing. 

As entrepreneurs and digital marketers, we want to be on the cutting edge of innovation. Furthermore, there must be an awareness of what the client goes through during the decision-making process. 

Voice search is here to stay, and it will soon be the primary way that many of us interact with our gadgets. 

Google Voice Search Optimization 

Voice recognition technology, such as Apple’s Siri and Amazon’s Alexa, has grown in popularity in recent years. In January 2018, there were one billion voice searches per month on average. The popularity of voice search will only grow as more people use it and as technology advances. 

This is very important in SEO and digital marketing. Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google, stated that voice searches account for one-fifth of all inquiries on the platform. The ability to just talk to your smartphone is a big convenience that enhances the user experience. 

To have an effective digital marketing plan, you must grasp how voice search works and how to optimise your content for it. 

How Does Voice Search Optimisation Work? 

Google utilises Natural Language Processing (NLP) to recognise speech patterns and attempt to comprehend the meaning of what is being spoken. 

The accuracy with which NLP can detect minor accents and intentions will improve in the future, making voice search a valuable tool. Having an AI-powered personal assistant is something that is typically seen in science fiction films. It is, however, fast becoming a reality. With machine learning already in place, the voice recognition code grows increasingly accurate with each session. 

When individuals utilise voice search, they frequently employ conversational language in their inquiries. This implies they are longer sentences and are more likely to be in the form of an inquiry. Voice search recognition is tailored particularly to this sort of phrase structure, which we can take advantage of. 

What are some SEO strategies for voice searches? 

Voice search optimization should be included while developing a digital marketing SEO plan. Here are some techniques for optimising for voice search. 

  1. Longer Questions in headers

Because Google’s algorithm considers H1 and H2 formatting to be more essential than regular text, it is critical to compose them as lengthier queries. This enables Google to identify and match the user’s query to your content. 

Consider your consumers and what information they could want. Then tailor your content to provide them with exactly what they’re looking for. Voice search is commonly used for the following query phrases: 

  • What is? 
  • How to? 
  • Where? 
  1. Local search

Location-based searches account for 22% of all voice inquiries. Many of these inquiries include the phrase “near me.” You may optimise for this by incorporating the term as well as prominent landmarks in your article. 

Another option is to create a Google “My business listing.” This provides your company with a physical address that Google recognises and helps people looking for you to discover you. 

  1. Featured Snippet

A Featured Snippet is a short piece at the top of a Search Engine Result Page (SERP) that seeks to offer a succinct and rapid response to a search query.
Voice Searches nearly always use these highlighted snippets if one is available, thus targeting this location is critical. 


Because many of the methods overlap, you can optimise for voice search while also benefiting from general SEO.
It doesn’t take long to examine your existing SEO strategy and determine how you may apply it to your business.
We provide digital marketing managers to assist you develop a successful SEO strategy and successfully advertise your brand online.

To learn more about FBS Digital’s social media services, call 0204 526 5195 or send an email to hello@finchleybusiness.co.uk.

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