Seven ways an accountant can help your business

Grow Your Business 

When you’re ready to expand your company, your accountant plays an important role in guiding you through the process. At FBS Chartered Accountants, we will assist you in determining the field of growth by providing you with an insight into cash flow and creating financial forecasts that can help you make smarter decisions for the future of your company while avoiding pitfalls. 

Help Raise Finance 

Accountants aren’t just there to handle your money and file your tax returns. They can also point you in the right direction for obtaining additional financial assistance without jeopardising your company by considering alternatives such as taking out a loan, increasing an overdraft, or issuing share capital. They can also help you sell shares in your business, raise crowdfunding or find Angel investors. 

VAT Registration  

If your annual turnover is approaching or exceeds £85,000, you must apply for VAT. If you make all, or nearly all, of your sales to VAT-registered companies, you can profit from being VAT registered even if your sales are below the threshold, since you will be able to recover VAT on any business expense that costs the business. FBS Chartered Accountants can deal with VAT registration for you – leaving you with less paperwork and deadlines to worry about. 

Tax Efficiency  

Barely any individuals can say they’re truly on top of tax assessment rules and regulations, however that is exactly what your accountant is there for. FBS Chartered Accountants will take care of your business with absolute attention to detail and verify that you’re utilising any expense remittances, tax allowances and reliefs your business is eligible for.  

Tailor Services  

Prior to recruiting an accountant, set aside effort to consider what your business needs. In case you’re a start-up that needs a ton of handholding, don’t opt for a firm that specialises in accountancy for multi-nationals. Make a rundown of things you’d anticipate your accountant should assist you with, and afterward search for the firm/person that best suits your business requirements.  



Businesses over a specific size must undergo a statutory audit – in which case an accountant is a must-have. However, even for a start-up business a voluntary, internal audit can be a confusing procedure to keep your business goals on course. This kind of audit reassures you that everything is ticking over smoothly and is also an excellent way to prepare you for a statutory audit. 

Help you manage change 

If you’re looking to hire new team members, welcome an investor, start trading as a limited company, or need assistance submitting self-assessment each year, we can support. FBS Chartered Accountants can help. We have a wealth of information on various areas across not only accounting but digital, technology and regulatory services.  

For more information about how FBS Chartered Accountants can help your business, get in contact with us today call: 0204 526 5195 or drop us a line 

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