Are Websites Going To Become Obsolete? Websites Vs. Apps

There’s no doubting that we now live in a digital era. It might be difficult to keep up with the latest developments in automation, internet tools, technology, and artificial intelligence, which change on a daily basis. But can you foresee a time when websites are no longer relevant? Is that just beyond the scope of possibility?

Well, believe it or not, the Internet is changing, and as we navigate our way through the increasing number of mobile internet users over desktop users, it’s critical for your small business to stay on top of digital trends and ensure you’re utilising the correct tools for your needs.

So, which is best?

Some argue that if you already have a mobile-friendly website, you don’t need an app. Others argue that apps provide features that websites cannot match, and that as a result, websites will become outdated over time.

We agree with both points, but we also believe that if you have a website in this day and age, it’s a no-brainer that it should be mobile-friendly and have a responsive design. This not only makes the audience’s journey more seamless, but it also makes it easier for them to navigate across your site, have a great customer experience, be exposed to your brand, and impact conversions.

Speak with one of our specialists about how we can help you optimise your small business website for mobile.

Now let’s get down to business and analyse the advantages and disadvantages of applications vs. websites.



It’s simple. 

In many respects, a well-designed application is simple. Installing is simple for the user. The user will find it simple to browse. It is simple for the user to update. Simple, simple, simple! This simplicity of usage makes for a more enjoyable user experience.

It’s practical. 

An app, like your smartphone, is glued to you like glue, and it’s always available in the palm of your hand. With this in mind, it’s no surprise that individuals spend more time on their phones than on their computers. The importance of convenience cannot be overstated. The nicest feature is that the user can use your app practically anywhere, even if they don’t have Internet access, as many apps do.

It is compatible with your mobile device. 

A smartphone app fulfils a different need than a webpage since it gives you access to all of your phone’s features. Bluetooth, camera, address book, contact information, GPS, voice activations like Siri, calendar, and other features are included. The customer saves time by not having to physically scan and email a document; instead, they may just take out their camera and email the image immediately. Users believe that having a work done fast and easily leads to greater long-term happiness.

It’s a personal thing 

Apps may personalise the user’s experience depending on their location and interests, as well as allowing them to select preferences from the minute the app is loaded. The app developer will be able to measure use, statistics, and engagement, as well as see where changes can be made and where they may make user suggestions.

It isn’t intrusive. 

The days of irritating pop-ups that show on your screen as soon as you visit a website are long gone. Only push and in-app notifications are allowed in apps, giving users the feeling that their privacy is less invaded and that they have control over when they are exposed to this type of information. One of the main reasons why people choose to use applications in the first place is because of this!

It expands your company’s branding opportunities. 

Your business branding is continuously exposed when your app is downloaded on a user’s mobile device and your logo and branding are shown on their home screen. With the typical UK citizen spending 3 hours 23 minutes a day on their phone, or 50 days per year, there’s plenty of time to establish brand recognition and, with a well-functioning app, brand loyalty.


It’s not cheap. 

The cost of developing an app is excessive. It’s not just the initial cost, but it’s also expensive and time-consuming to correct any problems and make upgrades. Doing updates has its own set of issues, as you’ll need to develop a marketing plan to urge users to download the more recent version once the update is complete. As a result, it is simpler for a large company to build applications, but if you are a startup, placing all of your financial eggs in one basket might be risky.

There are several versions required. 

Building an app necessitates many versions for various operating systems, implying that you are basically creating several apps. For the app to work on respective devices, iOS, Android, and Microsoft all require different requirements and versions. This is not just a significant financial outlay, but also a significant amount of effort.

It’ll take a lot of persuading. 

You must ensure that your marketing plan is effective, as it takes a lot of persuading to convince someone to download your app over the many others available. Only a small percentage of users download applications that they will really use, and if the app’s functionality is identical to that of the website, it will be difficult to persuade them to download it in the first place. Installing an app involves time, effort, and space on a mobile device. Speak with us about how we can assist you in developing a solid marketing plan.

Now that we’ve looked at apps and seen that they offer many of the same (and more) features than a website, let’s look at what websites may provide.



It’s a budget-friendly option. 

You probably already have a website, so you’ll save a lot of money by not having to learn how to design an app from scratch. Depending on the sort of small business you manage, there are numerous straightforward options to establish a free website on platforms like Wix, Shopify, and WordPress if you don’t already have one.

It’s a lot simpler to find. 

Your website may be accessed with a single click of a button, without the user having to do any more investigation! SEO initiatives such as blogs with keyword research, search advertisements, and remarketing methods make it far easier to make your business visible online than on an app.

It has a wider reach. 

A website has the ability to reach everyone, everywhere, at any time. The internet is your oyster in terms of technology! You are not restricted by the fact that you must wait for them to download an app.

Maintaining it is simpler and less expensive. 

Because your website is running on a single version rather than many operating systems, the expenses of running updates, correcting issues, and doing a general audit are substantially lower. Without extensive testing, the changes may be applied quickly and visible right away.


It requires a connection. 

Websites, like individuals, require connections. The most significant disadvantage of a website is that it requires a constant Internet connection to function properly.

It is unable to make use of functionalities. 

Websites, unlike applications, cannot take advantage of the device’s features, making them inconvenient to use when trying to finish a task. It can also be difficult to browse a website on a small screen, which might cause the user to become frustrated and leave the site. As we’ve discussed several times in this blog, if your website isn’t mobile-friendly, you’re missing out on a whole new audience.

It’s impersonal. 

While the ability to reach a far larger audience than an app is a benefit, you lose the personal touch of being able to identify, communicate to, and target a specific market. You’re left shooting from the hip because you’re never truly sure who’s visiting your site or what their preferences are, so you can properly target them.

As a result, the debate remains as to whether or not websites will become outdated.

Websites, for the time being, have a position in the marketing toolset. And not every brand is a good fit for an app. There is no right or wrong response, and it’s a heated subject among many small company owners, with the issue of whether websites will become outdated still remaining. Before deciding which choice is ideal for you, we recommend that you consider your company goals, objectives, budget, essential features, and the sort of audience you want to attract. If you want to get as much of your material out to as many people as possible, a mobile-friendly website will satisfy. An app is probably for you if you want to interact, communicate, and connect with a specific audience.

Get in contact with FBS Digital today to find out more about social media services: 0204 526 5195 or e-mail us on 

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