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A beginners guide to payroll processing and reporting

The payroll process is more than just paying your employees for the work they are putting in to keep your business going; it also involves reporting the employees’ tax statements on time to the tax agencies.  

In addition, payroll management also ensures each employee receives payment correctly and on time. There is no margin of error in this task as there is a considerable risk of reputation on the line. If there is a slight delay in the employees’ salaries, and the word gets out, no employees will want to work there anymore, which is not beneficial for any organisation.  

Payroll processing  

The payroll process refers to the management of paying salaries to the employees and adding a new employee to the salary list. The payroll processing manager ensures the wages are calculated and corrected. If there are any late entries or unpaid leaves, the manager estimates how much salary should be cut from the total of an employee’s salary.  

Employee identification number (EIN)  organization

The first step in payroll processing and reporting is establishing your EIN and local and state tax IDs. The government uses this identification to track your business and its payments so that they know your business is meeting all their requirements.  

Tools and solutions  

Payroll is not as difficult as it once was before all these useful tools and applications. Technology has made the job of a payroll manager easier, more effective, and with little to no margin of error.   

Some useful online payroll processing management systems applications are:  

  • Paychex  
  • OnPay  
  • QuickBooks  
  • Gusto  

Taxes, withholding, and overtime payment  

A net salary is equal to the gross salary with the deduction of withholdings. Withholdings include tax deductions, provident fund, medical insurance, retirement contributions, etc.  

Here are a few taxes that are paid by the employers and are withheld from the employers’ gross salary:  

  • Income tax  
  • Social security tax  
  • Healthcare Tax  
  • State and local income tax  

The payroll manager not only deducts from an employer but sometimes adds an amount to it too. An employee’s salary is calculated by the number of hours they have worked. If the hours are extra (some companies pay their employees when they put in overtime), then the pay is increased according to the number of hours.  

Payroll Schedule  

A payroll processing manager has all the information about the employees’ wages. The only thing required is to set up a payment schedule. The schedule of income refers to the time interval between the paid salaries.  

There are four basic payroll schedules followed widely by the organisations:  

  • Monthly  
  • Semimonthly  
  • Biweekly  
  • Weekly  

It is the job of the payroll manager to determine which payroll schedule is best and most beneficial for the organisation and to keep a record of it. Once found, manage your calendar and follow up closely, as mistakes should be avoided at all costs.  

 What is the importance of payroll reporting? 

Tracking your payroll data is important as it helps in:  

  • Monitoring employee turnover rate 
  • Appreciating your employees 
  • Customising reports 
  • Maintaining cash flow 
  • Accurately managing taxes 

A well-functioning payroll system helps reduce admin tasks for you and your staff, manage employee payments and benefits, and keeps your employees satisfied because they know how to schedule their own bills with a trustable and reliable salary schedule you have set up through payroll processing and reporting.


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