The Most Beneficial Way For Newcomers To Build A Website

Everything we do nowadays is done on the Internet. We use the internet for everything, from getting directions to shopping for the greatest fish and chips in town. Statista estimates that by 2020, nearly the whole United Kingdom will have internet connection, with 62 million monthly users. This indicates that your clients are online! You must be present as a small business. But what is the most effective technique to create a website? Let’s get started. 

When it comes to creating a website, you have two options: create a custom site using code (such as HTML and Javascript) or utilize a content management system (CMS) such as WordPress, which is far more user-friendly. If you have highly particular requirements and a large sum of money to invest, it may be necessary to build a site from scratch, depending on your demands. 

Many small businesses may use the WordPress templates to create a professional-looking website for a lower cost. Every business has unique requirements, goals, and ambitions, which is why you must select the best website for your small business.  

In today’s environment, having a good online presence is essential since it helps your company to raise brand awareness, make it simpler to get your advertising message in front of the appropriate people, and, eventually, drive leads and money. We’ll go through the benefits and drawbacks of utilising a content management system like WordPress to create a customized website.    

Should you DIY build your website?  


It is cost – effective: 

If you take the time to do it right, building your website on WordPress without assistance may save you a lot of money. If you do not consider the time you spend on the build, you’ll be on your way to having a free site if you utilise a free WordPress theme (like a template). 

It is easier to maintain: 

You will not need to pay a developer to make updates if you construct your own website because you will know it inside and out. There is no requirement for you and the developer to communicate back and forth. That implies that if there are any adjustments or modifications, you can address them without delay.  

It is straight forward: 

 Building a website on your own can be done easier than you think. There are many content management systems out there that allow you to build your website using free themes and templates according to your business goals. These platforms are user-friendly and have 24/7 support, should you need it.  


You are not an expert on everything: 

The fact that you are reading this blog indicates that you’re not a web developer guru. Do not fool yourself into believing that! This can lead to a waste of time, money, and resources, as well as a possibly poor websiteIf you need assistance, seek assistance from a specialist. Remember that your website is your customers’ first experience of you online, so make sure it accurately reflects your brand. It’s not only a waste of time to have a non-functional, sluggish website that doesn’t convert visitors; it’ll also cost you more money to hire a specialist to address the issues.

It’s time-taking. An average website takes two to three months to develop. Do you still have the time as a small business owner to devote to creating your own website? It’s not going to be an easy ride either. There will be challenges, roadblocks, and a lot of trial and error. You must decide if the time is worth too much frustration, or whether it is just easier to get it done professionally.   

There is no such thing as a complimentary meal. Although it may seem that using free models to create your website is a good way to save a few pounds at the end of the month, nothing in existence is free! Web hosting providers, like any other business, need to make profits, which is why they can place external company advertising on your site to see if they can get a return on their investment. Isn’t it true that fair is fair? On CMS pages, free plans come with small choices, allowing you to update or buy a more appealing design.   

Now that we’ve gone over the advantages and disadvantages of designing your own website, let’s look at what a professional developer can do.   

Getting a custom-coded website designed by a Web Developer 


This isn’t their first time they’ve been given a challenge. When you hire a developer, you can be assured that they know what they’re doing and how to do it correctly and without errors.  

They have a great grasp of the programming languages. Developers are experts in a variety of coding languages that most people are unfamiliar with. This is significant because it means that they will be able to quickly build sites and make improvements. 

They have access to a wider spectrum. Professional developers have access to far more resources, applications, and market knowledge than the typical small business owner. This means they can add features to the website that you might not be aware of in order to make it top-notch and user-friendly! Besides, you’re too busy to build your own website in the first place. 

You are assured. You can be assured of competent performance if you choose the right developer who understands your business needs. Before making a decision, make sure you do your homework and ask for examples of previous work. 


It will be expensive. Hiring a skilled developer to create a custom website would cost money. Depending on the complexity of the platform, the number of pages that need to be created, and the desired KPIs, different developers may charge different rates. As a result, it’s up to you to determine how much money you want to set aside for it

t’s not going to happen overnight. Remember the old saying that “good things come to those who wait”? It’s the same for your website. It takes time to develop a well-built, professional, functional, mobile-optimized website that customers can enjoy. It’ll take time to refine the idea, and there will be several changes and revisions along the way, just like any artistic endeavor. To balance expectations from both sides, negotiate reasonable deadlines with your developer.   

Don’t fall for a scam. Not everyone who claims to be a professional web developer actually is one. Referring to our last pro tip, make sure you do your research and have a look through the developer’s portfolio or previous work experience. This will help you decide if the person in question has the necessary skill set to build your dream website. Sometimes the best way to avoid getting conned is to hire a developer through an outsourced digital agency so that their skills have already been vetted.   

There’s also a third option: having the best of both worlds (spoiler alert: this is our favourite) 

While it may be tempting to create it yourself since you don’t have the funds to invest in your ideal website, there is another choice. You may engage a professional web developer to build up your WordPress website utilising a purchased template that you like.


They appear to be fantastic. On sites like ThemeForest, there are literally hundreds of stunning WordPress themes to choose from. They are significantly better quality than free templates since they are pre-designed by experts. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel with this strategy because your website design is purchased off the shelf.

It’s the shortest way to get there. Hiring a developer and purchasing a professionally created theme will save you weeks of work. When compared to the DIY technique and developing a bespoke site, it’s quite quick and straightforward, so you’ll be up and running in no time. 

It won’t cost you a fortune. WordPress themes are generally under $50, and if you find one you like and only need to modify the logos, text, and colours, you’ve just won half the battle. Your developer will be able to set up in no time, and time is money for developers. It’s vital to keep in mind that the more modifications you make, the more you’ll pay, so choosing the proper theme is essential. 


There aren’t many, because at the end of the day, you’ll have a professionally designed site that looks fantastic, is simple to manage, and was quite inexpensive. 

If you’re building a website for the first time, we recommend working with a reputable developer and being resourceful so you don’t have to spend too much money. 

When compared to the benefits you will receive, having a website for your small business is a comparatively low-cost investment. It will assist you in reaching a new market and increasing your credibility in the future. Your company efforts are being wasted if you aren’t online! 

If you’ve read this article and are still uncertain about which choice is ideal for your small business, contact us and schedule a free consultation. We can also help you with a variety of web design services to fit your budget! 

We hope you enjoyed our blog about the best techniques for beginners to design a website. Don’t forget to share it on your social media channels to help out your fellow small business owners! 

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