6 Ways To Use Social Media For Start Up And Small Businesses

In today’s world, social media is everywhere, and the Covid-19 pandemic has strengthened our dependence on it even further during lockdowns and quarantines. A social media presence is now more important than ever for any company. Using social media to grow your business can seem like a daunting task, especially when you compare your new social media page against the enormous followings of well-established companies who run slick social media accounts with the help of marketing teams. 

Thankfully, there are a few simple ways to truly maximise your business’s social media impact to gain a following, increase brand awareness, and convert sales. Here’s how to use social media for business: 

  1. Generate Leads

One of the best features of social media is the ability to target content to specific individuals. Rather than renting a billboard that will be used by a large number of people that will have little interest in your company because it simply isn’t what they’re looking for, you can use social media to get your ads directly to the people who are interested in it. Use hashtags and keywords as well as strategic posting within specific groups to make sure that potential customers see your content. T This will produce far more leads and future sales than simply advertising to a large audience with a diverse set of needs and concerns. Use online communities to identify genuinely interested customers and generate high-quality leads! 

  1. Create Brand Awareness

You’ve launched your new company, but how will people know who you are? One of social media’s biggest strengths is the ability to build and expand brand awareness. Make use of social media to inform people about who you are and what you do. This can generate sales and leads by just putting your business out there. Once people know who you are, you will start to spring to mind once they need something your business provides. This means that your social media doesn’t have to sell all the time; in fact, it’s better if you don’t. Simply talking about the topic to which your business relates and bringing value to those groups ensures that people remember your company when they need it. As previously said, it will generate leads and sales. 

  1. Watch the competition

You aren’t the only business on social media- your competitors are there too. While this can be a challenge, it is also an opportunity. Stay up to date with what your competitors are posting by following them on social media. Knowledge is power, and if your competitor has a clever promotion, you need to know about it. Keeping a close eye on your rival, on the other hand, could reveal an advantage, such as a poorly crafted product that you might improve on. Just be careful not to copy or steal ideas; no one likes a cheat. 

  1. Create aCommunity

There’s a saying we love that goes, “don’t sell the sausage, sell the sizzle”, and it applies to social media. Grow your company by cultivating culture and a lifestyle on social media. Have you ever noticed how perfume commercials never mention the scent? These advertisements employ a clever trick that you can replicate. They create an aesthetic that people want to be a part of. People don’t want a Rolex watch to tell the time; our phones do that job nowadays. People generally want a Rolex so that they can be a person who owns a Rolex. Use your social media to highlight the great things people can do with your products or achieve with your services. Has someone famous used your product? Take advantage of the opportunity! You can use social media to create an aesthetic that is as appealing as the product itself, creating leads and converting sales. 

  1. Tell Your Story

Large companies and influential firms have a lot of money and a lot of marketing budgets, but if you play your social media cards correctly, you can turn this into an advantage. Younger generations are growing disillusioned with faceless companies. Instead, they choose more genuine companies that aren’t only there to take your money but instead have genuine and sincere value. Social media presents an opportunity to personally tell potential customers who you are and why your business does what it does. Many business concepts already originate from a genuine location. It may be as easy as making enough money to send your daughter to a good school or following your hobby of creating surfboards. Whatever it is, there’s a fair chance it’s a real story that customers can relate to and feel good about supporting (by hiring your services or buying your products). 

  1. Foster loyal customers

Customers that are loyal to you are extremely important. They will return to make another purchase and provide free marketing if they tell their friends about you. Social networking can and should be used to cultivate a strong consumer base. Responding to customer reviews, deftly managing complaints, thanking customers for their purchase – and being authentic while doing it – increases the likelihood that they will be willing to give you a chance, or even a second chance if their first experience with your business wasn’t ideal. Much of this was valid before social media, so the publicity of social media means that potential clients will see you doing these stuffs, which is an invaluable opportunity for people to see that you’re a real company doing your genuine best to offer the best service possible. 

Call FBS Digital today to find out more about our Social Media services: 0204 526 5195 or e-mail us at hello@finchleybusiness.co.uk 

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