8 Tips For Setting Up Facebook ads That Get Results 

Setting up Facebook Ads

With 2.6 billion active members, Facebook is the most popular social networking platform worldwide. It’s been labelled “the social networking site for the older generation,” but with 2.6 billion members, it’s hardly a slam dunk. That’s a huge amount of reach! That’s why, in order to obtain the best results, you need to set up the correct Facebook advertising.

Facebook impacts public opinion and has a significant impact on consumer behaviour. If you haven’t already, you should seriously consider tapping into this rapidly expanding sector.

Here are some pointers for creating effective Facebook ads.

Target specific messages to different audiences 

Because you can use your content to reach the most relevant people, Facebook’s audience targeting tools are terrific. You may get incredibly specific with your target market on Facebook. You can segment your audience into three groups: a core audience based on location or age; a bespoke audience created by uploading a contact list; and lookalike audiences.– where existing customer demographics are used to locate persons who are similar to them

Upsell more information or add-ons to current customers concerning things you’ve already sold them, whereas new buyers may demand freebies and more extensive information. Customers that have already engaged with your business page are your custom audience, but you can also target lookalike audiences who share similar characteristics.

Use different formats

Facebook also has a variety of ad formats to choose from. Using Facebook Slideshow, you may use video without paying expensive production costs. With the Carousel and Collection ad formats, you can optimise your ads for mobile, give an interactive experience with the Canvas, or highlight the best of your product range.

Good copy is essential 

Yes, images are important, but excellent language goes a long way toward conveying your point. Good copywriting directs readers in the right direction and persuades them to take action, such as clicking on a link. It has the ability to excite and entertain. Because visuals and copy are inextricably linked, make sure the copy supports the image. Also, keep in mind that the copy must complement the image (like peas and carrots). When putting up your Facebook Ads, try to avoid giving the user an uncomfortable time.

Prioritise ads for mobile 

Mobile ads account for nearly all of Facebook’s ad revenue. However, consumers only spend 1.7 seconds on mobile compared to 2.5 seconds on desktop, so it’s critical to grab their attention as quickly as possible. Keep the message brief and stress the main point as soon as possible. Make sure your content adheres to mobile best practises, such as vertical videos, which allow consumers to watch full screen without having to flip their phones. It’s small details like this that set you apart from the competition.

Harness the benefits of interactive ads

Quizzes and polls are popular forms of interactive material. These collaborative forms are designed to bring people together and encourage them to join. People are eager to be a part of your next big idea. Invite them to express themselves and be a part of something worthwhile, and then reward them with surprises, delights, challenges, or opportunities to learn something new.

Use video 

Demonstrating your product or service through video is a terrific way to do it. It also allows for a great deal of creativity and amusement. Users are far more likely to stop and watch a video when they scroll over it because it starts playing right away. Video is still the most effective medium for delivering emotional and engaging material. Your video should be centred on your business and tell your incredible tale.

Use automatic placements 

Allow Facebook to choose the best ad locations for you so you can get the most bang for your buck. Their targeting is consistent across all platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger, allowing you to reach a larger audience. It evaluates the most effective advertising and allocates your marketing budget to only those that are effective.

Use  CTAs! 

A call-to-action must be included in every Facebook ad (CTA). The call to action should be included in the ad copy or video, and it should constantly be reinforced by Facebook’s clickable CTA buttons. CTAs encourage users to take action, such as completing a purchase or making a reservation. CTAs aid in guiding visitors through the buying process and have a direct impact on conversion rates.

Facebook truly has everything you need to increase your ad campaigns and sales revenue. It’s smart to give yourself an advantage by employing these strategies to not only promote your products and services, but also to develop long-term relationships with your target audience.

To learn more about FBS Digital’s social media services, call 0204 526 5195 or email hello@finchleybusiness.co.uk.

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