6 Digital Marketing Ideas For Small Businesses At A Low Cost

Starting a company can be difficult. Launching it seems to reduce the majority of your money before you can start marketing it. Regardless, you can get your brand online as soon as possible. Even if you’re on a tight budget, you should be gathering likes and interacting with potential clients.  

Marketing is a vital tool for business growth and prosperity. Getting your message in front of the right targeted audience to generate leads and make conversions – that’s the name of the game. So, let’s explore how you can make big waves with low-cost digital marketing ideas for your small business.  

Create Video Content  

Video marketing is massive right now, and with good reason. Video has shown to grow revenue 49% faster than other content, with 52% of marketers citing video as the best return on investment (ROI) of all content types.  

Video has been on a roll in recent years, and with the recent launch of Instagram reels, its superior reach capacity is even greater. Video has truly limitless applications. It will help your efforts at any level of the sales funnel– from brand awareness (introductory videos) all the way through to conversions (offers).   

Pro tip: Keep it short. Psychologists suggest the average human attention span is approximately 20 minutes, yet when it comes to online video content, it dramatically shrinks to about 60 seconds.  

You may not need to employ a videographer to catch the attention of your viewers. Using your smartphone, you can easily create high-quality video content. At the end of the day, it isn’t the cutting-edge technology or graphics that matter. It is all about making an emotional bond. 

Promote Personal Connection  

Here’s where small businesses have a leg up on major brands. They can offer a level of personal care their larger counterparts cannot. It has a sense of attention and connection. This is an edge bigger brands have to work a little harder to achieve.  

Take advantage of this chance. Use your social media to really listen to your audience, to reply quickly with actionable suggestions or responses to questions, and to demonstrate that you care. Inviting the audience to engage with you is a good idea. Create several platforms for them to use – email, social, even phone, and text – highlight the fact that your customers have easy access to a real person when they have problems or concerns.  

Create Multi-Purpose Content  

The emergence of prominent online sharing platforms has made content marketing a cornerstone of modern business and the foundation for many marketing activities. Creating multi-purpose content is an art form, as one piece of good content can be leveraged in many ways.  

For example, you could write a blog post, share it on social media with a link back to the article, then create graphic tiles with quotes from the post to share on Pinterest and Instagram. You’ve only produced a range of content for your audience without breaking the bank – that’s what low-cost digital marketing is all about. 

Leverage Online Reviews 

User-generated content, a digitized version of word of mouth, is a great way to promote your business, especially if leveraged properly. Online review platforms are where this content gets generated. Customers can leave their opinion of your business publicly for all to see. A little daunting, isn’t it? But, if their feedback is positive, you can use those testimonials on your website and in your marketing materials. Should the feedback be less than stellar, an opportunity presents itself to resolve the problem publicly and provide exceptional customer service.   

Start a Blog  

Blogging is an effective way to generate organic traffic, particularly for those in your audience who have not yet reached a purchasing decision. Also, it can establish credibility for your business within its’ industry and position you as a thought leader.  

Even if you only publish once a week, a blog will increase the popularity of your website online and help inform potential customers about why they should trust you. If you’ve written a blog post, you should include a call-to-action in that post to encourage visitors to subscribe to your blog and start getting emails from you. This is a proactive way to collect leads and offer potential customers a way to get further information if they aren’t ready to buy anything from you yet.  


As your brand develops, you will discover other businesses with products and services that complement your own. Consider teaming up with them to co-host an online webinar, Twitter chat, or teleconference, which could showcase both of your brands.  

By working together, you can share any costs associated with organising the case, integrate your experience and skills within your industry, and attract twice as many people. Associating yourself with another well-known company often allows you to gain the confidence of your target audience. There is strength in numbers, and a well-chosen alliance could be invaluable to your company and low-cost digital marketing efforts. 

See, no money, no problem. There are many opportunities for marketing a small business on a limited budget. All it takes is a little creativity and the willingness to invest your time to grow your business 

Call FBS Digital today to find out more about our Digital Marketing services0204 526 5195 or e-mail us at hello@finchleybusiness.co.uk 

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